Sunday, September 28, 2008

funny belly jiggle

I just ran into this video clip that merm recorded while I was pregnant, It is a little long becuase merm didn't think it was recording most of the time, but it will give you a chuckle.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Come one come all....

So this may be kind of late notice for some of you but, Brigg is being blessed this sunday the 28th at my parents house at 5:00. We will have dinner shortly after.

I cannot believe how big he is getting.My favorite thing that he is doing now is "talking". Especially in the morning we will lay in bed after he has just woken up and has been fed and stare at each other. He will smile at me and we will take turns talking back and forth between one another it is just so amazing to see how they learn and respond to your voice. He also does this thing when I am holding him where he holds on tightly to my hair. As much as this may hurt sometimes I love it. It's like a comfort thing for him I think because it calms him down when he is sad.

Also more good news after 8 weeks of constantly cleaning Briggs eye's out because of his plugged tear duct, it has finally come unplugged!!! His poor eye was always so goopy before and it made me so sad. But all the massaging of the tear duct paid off! HOoray!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Evie Darling

My new horse Evie is so sweet we bought her just this June and she is turning out to be such a nice horse (thanks mostly to my dad) and she is so pretty too. She is the tallest of our horses at 15.2 or 15.3 hands.And yes she is red like the majority of our horses. Maybe one day we'll find a "horse of a different color" as my friends big n rich would put it . ha ha

One hot mama



Merm dolled my mom up and took these pictures of her and I just had to shoe off how gorgeous my mom looks . I love you mom!
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Bestest Cousins

 Zanna wanted to be around Brigg so much we had to watch her close cause she always wanted to give him "love smacks" like she does to mason but towards the end of the trip she learned to be softer with him.
 Look at this cute little poser.
 So I was planning on going home on sunday and then my mom talked me and Merm into staying till the next sunday and I'm so glad we did we had so much fun!!
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Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Little Chunk

  So last time we were at the cabin he fit much better in the bathroom sink but this time he filled the whole thing up. I'm glad my mom got these pictures cause it will be the last time he will get to bathe in the cabin sink. Plus he just looks so cute.
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Monday, September 15, 2008

Briggs Favorite spot

  Brigg loved being at the cabin and he especially loved being rocked to sleep outside on the front porch rocking chair.
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Monday, September 1, 2008

Travelin' Man

 Brigg has become quite the little traveler since I have been going back and forth from home to Montana so often this summer and I have to say he is very good at it. He hardly makes a peep the whole time.
  Big yawn...
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2nd horse ride of the year

 I was so excited to go horse back riding I have been wanting to do it all year and was so jealous anytime anyone went out. so now that Brigg is 5 weeks old and can take a bottle if he needs to I went thanks to my mom watching him.
 These pictures are actually of my second ride I went on one the day before also.
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Office quote of the day

click for more quotes from the office